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Careers in the AI era: what skills will be in demand in the job market?

The era of artificial intelligence (AI) has already arrived and is influencing many aspects of our lives. It is changing the way we work, solve problems, and organize business processes. However, despite the undeniable benefits of automation and AI-driven technologies, questions arise. What comes next? What skills will be crucial in the AI era? In this article, we will attempt to answer these questions and highlight the competencies that will be in demand in the job market in the age of artificial intelligence.

A study titled "The Impact of Emerging Technology Trends on IT Sector Skill Requirements" found that 85% of respondents believe that AI development will require acquiring new competencies. Additionally, 72% believe that the growing demand for new qualifications will result from the automation of business processes, as cited by Bankier.pl. Among the skills expected to be essential due to AI advancements, respondents most frequently pointed to machine learning (68%), Python programming (61%), and experience with data science and AI libraries (56%). [1]

Technical skills

With the rapid development and increasing application of AI in business and daily life, the demand for specialists with relevant technical competencies is growing.

1. AI technology proficiency 

Programming – languages such as Python, R, Java, and C++ already dominate the development of AI algorithms. The demand for professionals who can write code and build AI-powered applications will increase. Additionally, knowledge of TensorFlow, PyTorch, and Keras, key machine learning libraries, will be valuable.

• Data handling – this includes data analysis, processing, and interpretation. Proficiency in tools such as SQL, Hadoop, and Spark, as well as techniques such as predictive analytics, will become increasingly desirable. Data analysis allows businesses to extract key insights from large datasets, directly influencing decision-making and process optimization.

2. Process automation  

• Robotic process automation (RPA) – familiarity with UiPath, Automation Anywhere, or Blue Prism will be highly sought after across various industries, as these tools enable automation of repetitive business tasks.

3. Cybersecurity

• According to Gartner, by 2025, most large companies will implement advanced data protection systems and will require cybersecurity specialists. Key skills will include privacy protection, knowledge of data regulations

(e.g., GDPR), and the ability to respond to cyber threats.

Soft and hybrid skills

Besides technical expertise, communication skills, teamwork, critical thinking, and emotional intelligence will be essential for securing a dream job in the AI era.

-I observe a shift: since AI can assist with daily tasks, programming, and learning new coding languages more efficiently, we should focus on soft skills that AI cannot replace or teach us. Experience in multicultural teams, initiative-taking, and creativity will be increasingly valuable, says Maria Wróblewska, AI team director at Comarch.

Creativity and innovation cannot be replaced by AI. While machines analyze data and make decisions, humans must use this knowledge innovatively to create new products, services, and solutions. Strong interpersonal skills will remain crucial, as professionals will need to maintain relationships with colleagues and clients, manage teams, and resolve conflicts.

The rapid advancement of AI will require continuous upskilling and acquiring competencies in new areas. Those open to change and committed to lifelong learning will have a competitive edge. Online courses, industry conferences, and staying updated on technology trends will be key to professional growth.

As workplaces become more diverse and inclusive, professionals must develop cultural intelligence, understanding and respecting different perspectives and backgrounds. This approach fosters better teamwork and helps companies meet the needs of diverse customers.

-Continuous learning is my number one priority, but reading and listening comprehension remain crucial skills. Effective communication with AI, crafting precise prompts, selecting the right AI models, and optimizing them will be critical, adds Maria Wróblewska.

Hybrid competencies involve combining technical knowledge with business acumen. Knowing how AI algorithms work is essential, but the ability to apply them in real-world scenarios is equally important. AI specialists must understand business needs and use AI solutions to generate tangible value for organizations.

To effectively leverage AI in businesses, professionals must implement solutions that improve efficiency and streamline operations, such as automating repetitive tasks, enhancing customer service, or improving forecasting models. Project management skills in AI implementation will also be crucial.

How to develop AI collaboration skills

Below we present methods for effectively collaborating with AI (e.g., with ChatGPT).

Conscious prompting is the key to working effectively with AI. It involves testing different ways of asking questions and evaluating the results. Those who use this method often document their best prompts and analyze what went wrong when an outcome was unsatisfactory. Research shows that individuals who regularly document and analyze their interactions with AI achieve up to 82% better results when utilizing this technology. 

The iterative improvement protocol is a crucial method for working with AI. Instead of expecting perfect results immediately, this approach treats AI interaction as a continuous refinement process. Every AI response serves as a foundation for crafting a better, more precise prompt. This approach can improve final results by up to 60%. Systematic experimentation with AI is the key to success.
It's advisable to start with simple projects and gradually increase their complexity while analyzing results and documenting effective collaboration methods. This approach enhances the understanding of AI capabilities, helps avoid errors, and enables more efficient use of artificial intelligence in work.[2]

Future professions in the AI era

Employers already recognize the need for specialists who possess technological knowledge and understand the potential applications of AI in business. In the future, AI will drive the creation of new job roles beyond just the tech industry.

-AI is already impacting or will soon affect all professions and areas of life. Programmers and IT professionals feel this shift now, but as we continue discovering new AI applications, this transformation will expand further. There will be a demand for lawyers specializing in AI ethics and copyright issues, as well as professionals responsible for implementing and managing AI in organizations unfamiliar with digitalization. Jobs at the intersection of technology and business will be highly significant, such as strategists, product managers, cybersecurity experts, and data and knowledge management specialists, notes Maria Wróblewska. 


Ethics will play a crucial role. Professionals in AI ethics, human–AI interaction designers, AI trainers, and AI moderators will be sought after. The AI security specialist will focus on protecting data used by AI, monitoring risks associated with its implementation, and introducing safeguards to prevent unauthorized access to AI systems and data. Another key profession will be the AI integration specialist, responsible for implementing AI systems within organizations, integrating new technologies with legacy systems, and facilitating this process. AI will open new career pathways.


By 2030, the job market will demand a combination of digital skills, AI knowledge, adaptability, and strong interpersonal abilities. The future of work will not be solely about technology but also about emotional intelligence, effective communication, and rapid adaptation to new challenges.
Those who start developing these skills now will gain a competitive advantage and be better prepared for evolving job requirements. AI should not be seen as a threat to workers but as a powerful ally that simplifies daily tasks and enhances productivity.

[1] https://www.mycompanypolska.pl/artykul/ai-kreuje-nowe-wymagania-na-rynku-pracy:-jakie-kompetencje-beda-potrzebne/12958
[2] https://eitt.pl/baza-wiedzy/inteligencja-kolektywna-w-erze-ai-dlaczego-umiejetnosc-wspolpracy-czlowiek-maszyna-zdecyduje-o-twojej-wartosci-na-rynku-pracy/#jak-praktycznie-przygotowac-sie-na-nadchodzace-zmiany-w-wspolpracy-z-ai
[3] https://youniversity.be/blog/kompetencje-przyszlosci-w-dobie-ai/#:~:text=Rynek%20pracy%20%E2%80%93%20najbardziej%20po%C5%BC%C4%85dane%20kompetencje,-Jak%20wynika%20z&text=Zgodnie%20z%20wnioskami%20ekspert%C3%B3w%2C%20najbardziej,obszarze%20AI%20i%20Big%20Data

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