Personality differences in the communication process What are personality-related preferences and why it is important to know about them in the communication context? Weronika Wasieczko · 8 April 2020
Good appearance: advice for the hesitant Remembering these 9 steps will make you feel more confident during public speaking! Aleksander Syrek · 6 April 2020
Inbox Zero in electronic mail management - a productive element of the GTD methodology Despite the growing number of various tools for information exchange, an e-mail still remains the basic communication channel in companies and for individuals. Are we able to get rid of a daily view of 50 messages, which we see after opening the mailbox? Marek Stankiewicz · 19 December 2019
How to onboard a new employee and not go crazy in the process A dynamic growth of a company means not only obvious economic benefits but also a wide array of challenges. A fast and effective onboarding policy is a huge challenge that must not be neglected. There are a few important steps to keep in mind. Krzysztof Flak · 11 December 2018
Some ideas for Christmas (and not only) present for a programmer Christmas is just around the corner. If you are still looking for an interesting gift for a programmer, this is a good place to start. Below you will find some great ideas. Anna Bajorek · 1 December 2018
Are you going for a job interview? Here are 5 things you must rememberScreeds have already been written on preparation for interviews. However, despite a thorough, it would seem, analysis of this topic, candidates sometimes slip up terribly. Martyna Oczki · 12 April 2016